Are you facing a problem in turning your Garmin GPS on? It sometimes happens that your Garmin GPS stops working suddenly or gets switched off. You will get confused if it doesn't turn on after that after so many attempts. Do not worry; it might be a problem with the device itself.
Here are a few things you should check for fixing the issue. You must keep in mind that like Garmin Gps update, turning the Garmin GPS on:
Turn the power on by connecting the device to the power supply cord. Now, after 2-3 minutes, turn on the device. If by any chance, the device turns on, it means your device battery was entirely out of charge.
It is often recommended to keep your device wholly charged if you want a non-stop performance. You should also avoid using the device if it is getting charged. SO, always check the status of the battery. Now comes another situation that if you have fully charged your batteries, but still it doesn't turn on, then it's time to replace your batteries. The old batteries might be dead.
Then there are certainly other things to check like the SD card, which might be the culprit also. To check that you should follow the below-written steps:
At first, you have to remove the Micro SD card. Now try to turn on the device, it turns on, then your Micro SD card might be harmful. To confirm again, put the Micro SD card in the device and turn the device on. It is not turning on, and then the Micro SD card is the problem.
Now it's time to buy a new Micro SD card and again reset the device with this new card.
So, now you must have got an idea how to turn your Garmin GPS, and what all to do when they do not work. But still, if you have any doubts or any kind of questions, then you can quickly contact the experts of the Garmin at our Toll-free Garmin support nu
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